Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#1038] project: interpreter priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Adriaan _ fixed 2007-04-07 15:50:05.0
subject loss of information in interpreter output of type bounds
scala> def sort[m[x <: Ordered[x]] <: Iterable[x], a <: Ordered[a]](coll: m[a], pred: a => boolean): m[a]  = error("a")
what happened
sort: [m >: ? <: ?,a >: ? <: ?](m[a],(a) => scala.Predef.boolean)m[a]
what expected no question marks (info not set I assume)
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Changes of this bug report
Adriaan  edited on  2007-06-13 17:52:57.0
Adriaan  edited on  2007-06-13 18:16:42.0
fixed recently by Lex&Martin (see mail of 13 May to scala-devel)