Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#1193] project: compiler priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Martin Adriaan open 2007-06-29 15:20:28.0
subject Higher kinded existential types have problems.
class C[T](x: T)
object existentials {
  val x = { class D[T]; new C(new D[Int]) }
what happened
C:\scala\test\files\run>java -Xms20m -Xmx256m -ea -d \classes  existentials.scala -explaint\
existentials.scala:86: error: type mismatch;
 found   : C[D(in object Test)[Int]]
 required: C[D(in value x)[Int]] forSome { type D(in value x)[T] <: AnyRef with ScalaObject }
  val x = { class D[T]; new C(new D[Int]) }
C[D(in object Test)[Int]] < C[D(in value x)[Int]] forSome { type D(in value x)[T] <: AnyRef with ScalaObject }?

  C[D(in object Test)[Int]] < C[?*D(in value x)[T]]?
    ?*D(in value x)[T] < D(in object Test)[Int]?
    D(in object Test)[Int] < ?*D(in value x)[T]?
  [T]AnyRef with ScalaObject = D(in value x)[T]?
  D(in object Test)[Int] < >: [T]Nothing <: [T]AnyRef with ScalaObject?
  [T]Nothing < D(in object Test)[Int]?
  D(in object Test)[Int] < [T]AnyRef with ScalaObject?
one error found
what expected Successful compilation. The -explaintypes trace gives some clue what goes wrong: The type checker needs to prove
C[D(in object Test)[Int]] < C[D(in value x)[Int]] forSome { type D(in value x)[T] <: AnyRef with ScalaObject }?
To do that, it converts the right hand side to a type variable (here named ?*D)
C[D(in object Test)[Int]] < C[?*D(in value x)[T]]?
Solving this equation yields a solution of D[Int] for ?*D. This is already wrong; it should be just D. Incidentally, the solve method in nsc is exactly the same which is used for inferring type parameters -- it was moved from Infer to Types. Then, the type checker tries to prove that the inferred solution D[Int] conforms to the type variable bounds which are
[T] >: Nothing <: AnyRef with ScalaObject
and that fails, of course, because the bounds are higher-kinded but the type is not. Btw if you want more info there are two commented lines in the case for ExistentialType in method isSubType0 in Types.scala:
      case (_, ExistentialType(tparams2, res2)) =>
        val tvars = tparams2 map (tparam => new TypeVar(tparam.tpe, new TypeConstraint))
        val ires2 = res2.instantiateTypeParams(tparams2, tvars)
        (tp1 <:< ires2) && {
//          println("solve: "+tparams2)
          solve(tvars, tparams2, tparams2 map (x => 0), false)
//          println("check bounds: "+tparams2+" aginst "+(tvars map (_.constr.inst)))
          isWithinBounds(NoPrefix, NoSymbol, tparams2, tvars map (_.constr.inst))
If you uncomment these you see exactly what the result of solve is.
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Changes of this bug report
Adriaan  edited on  2007-06-29 16:07:36.0
On first exploration, it seems relevant to note that this compiles:
class C[T](x: T)
object existentials {
  val x: C[SomeD[Int]] forSome { type SomeD[x] } = { class D[T]; new C(new D[Int]) }
I haven't looked at the code yet, but my guess would be that SomeD[T] is inferred as a kind-* type applied to some unknown T, instead of the higher-kinded SomeD. I hope my intuition turns out to be wrong, as fixing higher-order type inference is going to be nontrivial (for me, at least).. I'll report back once I actually looked at the code ;-)