Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#1244] project: compiler priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Stephane Martin open 2007-07-26 13:53:37.0
subject method compareTo not defined
object test extends Application {
  val x1 = new"x1")
  val x2 = new"x2") {
    //override def compareTo(o: Any): Int = 0 // required!
    def hello() { println("4") }
what happened
test.scala:3: error: object creation impossible, since method compareTo in trait Comparable of type (Any)Int is \
not defined
  val x2 = new"x2") {
one error found
what expected compiles (code runs fine if you uncomment the user-defined compareTo method)
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Changes of this bug report
Stephane  edited on  2007-07-26 13:54:24.0
Martin  edited on  2007-07-27 00:50:38.0
In fact this has nothing to do with structural types. The same error happens if you write new File("") {} The problem is that bridge methods for Java code are ignored, so the compiler does not realise that compareTo(File) in class File implements compareTo(Object) in class Comparable. The problem should go away once we interprete Java generics. Let's keep the bug open until then.
Martin  edited on  2007-07-27 10:06:12.0