Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#1292] project: compiler priority: high category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Stephane Martin fixed 2007-08-24 12:41:47.0
subject [contrib #764] Rules for typing seem to have changed
trait Foo[T <: Foo[T, Enum], Enum <: Enumeration] {
  type StV = Enum#Value  
  type Meta = MegaFoo[T, Enum]

  type Slog <: Enumeration

  def getSingleton: Meta

trait MegaFoo[T <: Foo[T, Enum], Enum <: Enumeration] extends Foo[T, Enum] {
  def doSomething(what: T, misc: StV, dog: Meta#Event) = None
  abstract class Event
  object Event

  def stateEnumeration: Slog
  def se2: Enum

object E extends Enumeration {
  val A = Value
  val B = Value

class RFoo extends Foo[RFoo, E.type] {
  def getSingleton = MegaRFoo

  type Slog = E.type

object MegaRFoo extends RFoo with MegaFoo[RFoo, E.type] {
  def stateEnumeration = E
  def se2 = E

what happened
bad.scala:31: error: error overriding method stateEnumeration in trait MegaFoo of type => MegaRFoo.this.Slog;
 method stateEnumeration has incompatible type => object E
  def stateEnumeration = E
bad.scala:32: error: error overriding method se2 in trait MegaFoo of type => E.type;
 method se2 has incompatible type => object E
  def se2 = E
two errors found
what expected Clean Compile
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Changes of this bug report
Stephane  edited on  2007-08-24 12:42:22.0
Change needs to be documented !
Martin  edited on  2007-08-27 14:32:21.0
It was a compiler bug, after all.