Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#171] project: compiler priority: low category: missing feature
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Erik Matthias won't fix 2003-10-01 15:15:00.0
subject Errormessages are not sorted on linenumbers
import scala.concurrent.Process;
import scala.concurrent.Process._;
import scala.concurrent.NameServer;

class Request {};
case class Header(buf:List[char]) extends Request {};
case class HeaderDone(buf:List[char],after:Binary) extends Request {};
case class Post(buf:List[char],len:int,info:Tuple5[Any,Any,Any,Any,Any]) extends Request {};

class HttpDriver {
    type handler = Process => unit;

    def start(port:int, fun:handler, max:int) =
	spawn({server(port, fun, max);()});

    def server(port:int, fun:handler, max:int) =
     new TcpServer(port, 
		   (socket:Process) => input_handler(socket, fun),

    private def input_handler(socket:Process, fun:handler) = {
	val s = self;
	val server = spawn_link({fun(s);});
	relay(socket, server, Header(Nil));

    private def relay(Socket:Process, 
                      state:Request):unit = {
      receive {
	case Tuple3('tcp, Socket, bin:Binary) => {
	    parse_request(state, socket, server, bin);
//	case Tuple3('tcp_closed, Socket) => {
//	    server ! Pair(self, 'closed);
//	}
	case Pair(Server, 'close) => {
	    Socket ! Pair(self,close);
	case Pair(Server, Pair(headers:String, data:Binary)) => {
	    val headers1 = headers + "Content-Length " +
		data.length + "\r\n\r\n";
	    relay(Socket, server, state);
	case Tuple3('EXIT, Server, _) => {

  def parse_request(request:Request,socket:Process, 
                      server:Process,data:Binary) = {
       request.match {
         case Header(buff) => {
           scan_header(data, buff).match {
	     case Header(buff1) =>
	       relay(socket, server, Header(buff1));
	     case HeaderDone(header, after) =>
	       got_header(socket, server, header, after)
         case Post(buff, len, x) => {
           collect_chunk(len, data, buff).match {
             case Tuple3('yes, postdata, after) => {
		 val args2 = parse_uri_args(postdata);
		 val Tuple5(op,vsn,uri,args1,env) = x;
		 val req = Tuple5(op,vsn,uri,args1+args2,env);
		 server ! Pair(self, req);
	         parse_request(Header(Nil), socket, server, after);
             case Tuple3('no,buff1, len1) => {
               val state = Post(buff1, len1, x);
	       relay(socket, server, state);

  def got_header(socket:Process, server:Process, 
	header:List[char], after:Binary) = {
      val result = parse_header(header);
      result.match {
	case Tuple6(op, contentLen, vsn, uri, args, env) => {
	    if (ContentLen == 0) {
	       server ! Pair(self, Tuple5(op,vsn,uri,args,env));
	       parse_request(Header(Nil), socket, server, after);
            } else {
	    val state = Post(Nil, contentLen, Tuple5(op,vsn,uri,args,env));
	    parse_request(state, socket, server, after);

  def collect_chunk(n:int,newl:List[A],buf:List[A]) = {
    if (n == 0) Tuple3('yes, reverse(buf), newl);
	else newl.match {
		case h::t => {collect_chunk(n-1,t,h::buff);}
		case Nil => Tuple3('no, buff, n)

  def scan_header(In:Binary,Out:List[char]):Request = {
    if (In.length == 0) Header(Out) else {
      val t = In.drop(1); 	 
      Out.match {
        case List('\n','\r','\n','\r',l@(_*)) => HeaderDone(l.reverse,t);
        case _ => scan_header(t,In(0)::Out);

  class classifier with {
    def classify(filename:String) =

  def header(ctype:String) = {
    ctype.match { 
    case "text" =>  
      "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\r\n" + powered_by + content_type("text/html");
    case "html" => 
      "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\r\n" + powered_by + content_type("text/html");
    case "jpg" => 
      "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\r\n" + powered_by + content_type("image/jpeg");
    case "gif"  => 
      "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\r\n" + powered_by + content_type("image/gif");
//    case "redirect,To}) ->
//    ["HTTP/1.0 302 Come and get it!\r\n",
//     powered_by(), "Location: " ++ To ++ "\r\n"].

  def powered_by = "X-Powered-By: Scala \r\n";

  def content_type(x:String) = "Content-Type: " + x + "\r\n";


    def parse_header(str:List[char]) = {
	val hd::tail = split(str);
	val prequest = parse_request(hd);
	val pargs = => isolate_arg(x));
	make_return_value(prequest, pargs);
    def split(s:List[char]):List[List[char]] = {
	s.match {
	    case List(x@(_*),'\r','\n',y@(_*)) => x::split(y);
            case Nil => Nil;

    def make_return_value(rval:Tuple3[List[char],List[char],Pair[List[char],List[char]]],env:List[Tuple2[List[char],List[char]]]) = {
	val Tuple3(op,vsn,Pair(uri,args)) = rval;
	Tuple6(op, content_length(env), vsn, uri, args, env);

    def content_length(valuePairs:List[Pair[List[char],List[char]]]):int = {
	valuePairs.match {
	    case Pair(str,value)::t => 
		str.match {
		    case List('c','o','n','t','e','n','t','-','l','e','n','g','t','h') => value.toInteger;
		    case _ => content_length(t);
	    case Nil => 0;

    def urlencoded2str(str:List[char]):List[char] = {
	str.match {
	   case List('%',hi,lo,t@(_*)) => 
	     decode_hex(hi, lo)::urlencoded2str(t);
	   case List('+',t@(_*)) => ' '::urlencoded2str(t);
	   case h::t => h::urlencoded2str(t);
	   case Nil => Nil;

    def isolate_arg(str:List[char]) = isolate_arg(str, Nil);

    def isolate_arg(str:List[char], L:List[char]) = {
	str.match {
	    case List(':',' ',t@(_*)) => Pair(to_lower(l.reverse),t);
	    case h::t => isolate_arg(t, h::l)

    // decode_hex %%

    def decode_hex(hex1:char, hex2:char) = 
	hex2dec(hex1)*16 + hex2dec(hex2);
    def hex2dec(x:char):char = {
	if (x >= '0' & x <= '9') (x.asInstanceOf[int] - '0'.asInstanceOf[int]).asInstanceOf[char];
	    case 'A' => 10;
	    case 'B' => 11;
	    case 'C' => 12;
	    case 'D' => 13;
	    case 'E' => 14;
	    case 'F' => 15;
	    case 'a' => 10;
	    case 'b' => 11;
	    case 'c' => 12;
	    case 'd' => 13;
	    case 'e' => 14;
	    case 'f' => 15;

    def parse_request(str:List[char]) = {
	val Pair('ok, args) = split(Str);
        args.match {   
	  case "POST"::uri::vsn => Post(parse_vsn(vsn) ,parse_uri(uri));
	  case "GET"::uri::vsn => Get(parse_vsn(vsn), parse_uri(uri));

   def parse_vsn(x:List[char]) = {
      case List('H','T','T','P','/',v,'.',m) => Pair(v-'0',m-'0');
      case _ => Pair(0,0);

// A typical URI looks
// like
// URI = "/a/b/c?password=aaa&invisible=A+hidden+value"
   def tokens(string:List[char],Chars:List[char]):List[List[char]] = 

   def tokens(string:List[char],
               acc:List[char]):List[List[char]] = {
      prefix(Chars,string).match {
        case Some(tail) => acc.reverse :: tokens(tail,Chars,Nil);
	case None => tokens(string.tail,Chars,string.head::acc);

   def prefix(p:List[char],l:List[char]):Option[List[char]] = {
	if (p == Nil) Some(l);
          if(p.head == l.head) 


   def parse_uri(uri:List[char]) = {
     tokens(uri, '?'::Nil).match {
	case root::Nil => Pair(root, Nil);
	case root::args::Nil =>
	    Pair(root, parse_uri_args(args))

  def parse_uri_args(args:List[char]) = {
     val args1 = tokens(args, List('&',';'));[char]) =>
	         tokens(keyval, '='::Nil).match {
		   case List(key,value) =>
		     Pair(urlencoded2str(key), urlencoded2str(value));
		   case List(key) =>
		     Pair(urlencoded2str(key), Nil);
what happened
For large files with many errrors some Error messages seems to be reported directly by the phase that finds them\

Please don't look at the troublesome code to closely... it is a direct translation from Erlang in progress...
what expected All messages should be collected and then sorted on line number and reported in line number order...
[back to overview]
Changes of this bug report
Martin  edited on  2003-10-06 12:27:46.0
Matthias  edited on  2003-10-07 02:20:54.0
Do we really want this? In Java compilers it is not common to sort error messages by line numbers. Personally, I also tend to favor a logical order of error messages, since sometimes you get an avalanche of error messages caused by a single error -- in this case, it's easier to find the reason if error messages are sorted chronologically.

Shall we make sorting error messages optional? Maybe by introducing a new command-line option?

Matthias  edited on  2004-04-26 12:44:52.0