Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#216] project: compiler priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Vincent Martin fixed 2003-11-04 17:39:43.0
subject Looping module evaluation
object stackOverflow with Executable {
  object m {
    val f = x: unit => ();
what happened
During execution: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
what expected Nothing special.
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Changes of this bug report
Michel  edited on  2003-11-24 10:57:24.0
This is a problem with "recursive" nested objects, whose creation can loop infinitely. The above example can be reduced even more, as follows:
object stackOverflow {
  object m { m }
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { m; }
This gets expanded by RefCheck to:
// Scala source: bug216.scala
final class stackOverflow() extends scala.Object() {
  final class m() extends scala.Object() {
  private var m$: stackOverflow.m = null;
  final def m: stackOverflow.m = {
    if (null.$eq$eq(stackOverflow.m$))
      stackOverflow.m$ = new stackOverflow.m()
  private def m_$eq(m: stackOverflow.m): scala.Unit = stackOverflow.m$ = m;
  final def main(args: scala.Array[java.lang.String]): scala.Unit = {
final /*object*/ val stackOverflow: stackOverflow = new stackOverflow();
Here we see that to build m we need m itself, which results in an endless chain of calls to the m() function. For top-level modules, this has been fixed by assigning the field containing the module instance at the very beginning of the module's constructor. Something similar could be done here, by adding a
  stackOverflow.m$ = this;
at the very beginning of class m so that this is the first thing done at construction. However, this is a bit fragile since we have no way of guaranteeing that later phases won't put code before that assignment. I don't see a clean solution with the current tree.
Martin  edited on  2004-01-08 15:47:25.0
Martin  edited on  2006-05-28 15:08:26.0