Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#241] project: documentation priority: high category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Burak Matthias fixed 2003-12-01 09:31:56.0
subject reference not readable
ScalaReference.pdf is not conveniently readable with acroread or xpdf
what happened
  • (with acro) Error on page 14, some weird font-not-found errors, then a blank page.
  • (with xpdf) font error messages on stderr, ugly output
  • Impossible to access later pages.
what expected
  1. If the pdf can only be viewed with Acrobat Reader 6.0, this should be marked, on the webpage, and possibly also on the document itself (which is ok for a draft)
  2. (Stephane) The most recent pdf reader installed on our system in lamp
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Changes of this bug report
Burak  edited on  2003-12-01 09:33:20.0
moved text to "whatHappened".
Matthias  edited on  2003-12-01 10:26:46.0
Just as a reminder for everybody. For creating self-contained PDFs you have to install the fourier and the utopia fonts as explained in one of an e-mail I sent some months ago. Otherwise the PDFs will lack some fonts and produce error messages at show-time :-) for the maths part.
Burak  edited on  2003-12-01 11:11:02.0
ok. To avoid depending on archived mails and tacit, undocumented knowledge, I added some comments to ScalaReference.tex that describe how to get the fonts right.