Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#280] project: compiler priority: low category: missing feature
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Burak Martin won't fix 2004-01-22 11:07:31.0
subject interaction with "pacakage-visible" Java classes: access restriction too tight ?
// file: bugFu/
package bugFu;
class JavaFU {

// file: bugFu/ScalaFU.scala
package bugFu;
class ScalaFU extends JavaFU() {
what happened
/tmp> scalac bugFu/ScalaFU.scala
bugFu/ScalaFU.scala:4: constructor bugFu.JavaFu cannot be accessed in bugFu.A
class ScalaFu extends JavaFu() {
one error found
what expected no error.
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Changes of this bug report
Burak  edited on  2004-01-22 11:07:46.0
Burak  edited on  2004-01-22 11:31:59.0
Java has package-visible contructors, it is nice to be able to call those.
Burak  edited on  2004-04-07 15:16:54.0
I assign this one to Martin, as nobody has reacted. (changing subject to contain "package-visible")

Will it be possible to mix Java and Scala classes in one package, and have the Scala classes access package-visible stuff from Java ?

Burak  edited on  2004-04-08 16:09:18.0
This feature will not be fixed.