Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#34] project: compiler priority: medium category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Burak Philippe not repro 2003-06-11 14:28:37.0
subject cannot start interpreter in XP
[while executing siris.bat... (Paolo's bug)]

java -Dscala.boot.class.path=%SCALA_HOME%\lib\scala.jar;%SCALA_HOME%\lib\bcel.jar;%SCALA_HOME%\li
b\msil.jar;%SCALA_HOME%\share\scala\library -Dscala.class.path=.\classes;\home\linuxsoft\classes -Dscala.product=siris -Dscala.version=20030604-150704 -classpath %SCALA_HOME%\lib\scala.jar;%SCALA_HOME%\lib\bcel.jar;%SCALA_HOME%\lib\msil.jar -ms16m  -enableassertions scalai.Main -interactive
what happened
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: and
what expected Who expects something from XP? ;-)
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Changes of this bug report
Stephane  edited on  2003-07-16 13:32:45.0
Works fine for me (please check your env settings)
Stephane  edited on  2003-09-23 18:24:46.0
Worked fine for me ?!