When compilation fails with an exception, no error message is generated and Eclipse silently stops compiling \
any Scala file.
Worse, when Eclipse is freshly started and one file in any scala project fails to compile, all Scala tools, i\
ncluding the editor stop working (Opening an editor give the following, rather unhelpfull, message: "Unable to c\
reate this part due to an internal error. Reason for the failure: Editor could not be initialized.")
Even worse, the Scala preference pane itself dies a painful death ("An error has occurred when creat\
ing this preference page.") that prevents one to revert to a working Scala root directory.
Of course, the error log fills with "Unexpected exceptions", but no usefull error message is forwarded to the\
user. It also isn't possible to know which file was being compiled when this "Unexpected exception" was thrown.\