code |
// DocGenerator.scala:
import scala.collection.immutable._;
import scala.xml._;
abstract class DocGenerator extends Models {
import global._;
def dquote(str : String) = Text("\"" + str + "\"");
val header = <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
<meta name="generator" content="scaladoc ("/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>;
val emptyMap = ListMap.Empty[Kind,TreeSet[HasTree]];
def process(units : Iterator[CompilationUnit], outdir : String) : Unit = {
val outdir0 = new File(outdir);
if (!outdir0.exists()) outdir0.mkdir();
var members = emptyMap;
var topLevel = ListMap.Empty[ModuleSymbol,ListMap[Kind,TreeSet[HasTree]]];
for (val unit <- units) {
val sourceMod = new SourceMod(unit);
for (val mmbr <- sourceMod.members) mmbr.tree match {
case cdef: ImplDef =>
assert(cdef.symbol.owner != NoSymbol);
val sym = cdef.symbol.owner.asInstanceOf[ModuleSymbol];
if (!topLevel.contains(sym)) topLevel = topLevel.update(sym, emptyMap);
topLevel = topLevel.update(sym, organize0(mmbr, topLevel(sym)));
case _ => throw new Error("unknown: " + mmbr.tree + " " + mmbr.tree.getClass());
var packages = new TreeMap[String,ModuleSymbol];
for (val top <- topLevel.elements)
packages = packages.insert(nameFor(top._1), top._1);
val packageFrame = <HTML>
<HEAD><TITLE>List of modules</TITLE>
<div class="doctitle-larger">
<a href="module-page.html" target="classesFrame">All objects and classes</a><p/>
<table class="list">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
{ {
for (val top <- packages.elements) {
val sym = top._2;
} }
// output HTML for each package.
for (val top <- topLevel.elements) {
val sym = top._1;
val members = top._2;
val index = <HTML>{ {
process(members, sym);
} }</HTML>;
System.out.println("SAVE-TO: " + sym);
// save...
def nameFor(sym : ModuleSymbol) : String = sym.fullNameString;
def process(members : ListMap[Kind,TreeSet[HasTree]], sym : Symbol) : NodeSeq = {
for (val kind <- KINDS; members.contains(kind)) yield process(kind, members(kind), sym);
def organize(c : Composite, map0 : ListMap[Kind,TreeSet[HasTree]]) = {
var map = map0;
for (val mmbr <- c.members.toList) map = organize0(mmbr, map);
def organize0(mmbr : HasTree, map0 : ListMap[Kind,TreeSet[HasTree]]) = {
var map = map0;
if (!map.contains(mmbr.kind))
map = map.update(mmbr.kind, new TreeSet[HasTree]);
map = map.update(mmbr.kind, map(mmbr.kind) + mmbr);
def process(kind : Kind, set : TreeSet[HasTree], sym : Symbol) : Node = {
val ret =
<table cellpadding="3" class="member">
<td colspan="2" class="title">
{ { labelFor(kind) + " Summary"; } }
{ { for (val mmbr <- set.toList) yield process(mmbr, sym); } }
def stringsFor(mods : Modifiers) = {
var modString : List[String] = Nil;
if (mods . isPrivate ) modString = "private" :: modString;
if (mods . isProtected) modString = "protected" :: modString;
if (mods . isOverride ) modString = "override" :: modString;
if (mods . isAbstract ) modString = "abstract" :: modString;
if (mods . isCase ) modString = "case" :: modString;
if (mods . isSealed ) modString = "sealed" :: modString;
if (mods . isFinal ) modString = "final" :: modString;
if (mods . isMixin ) modString = "mixin" :: modString;
def targetFor(ht : HasTree) : String = {
// compute a URL.
def forSymbol(symbol : Symbol, tpe : Type) : NodeSeq =
def ifT (cond : Boolean, nodes : NodeSeq) = if (cond) nodes else NodeSeq.Empty;
def ifT (tree : Tree, nodes : NodeSeq, before : Boolean) =
if (tree != EmptyTree) {
if (before) nodes.concat(forTree(tree));
else forTree(tree).concat(nodes);
} else NodeSeq.Empty;
def forTree(tree : Tree) : NodeSeq = tree match {
case vdef : ValDef =>
Text(" : ")).concat(forTree(vdef.tpt));
case id : Ident => forSymbol(id.symbol, id.tpe);
case sel : Select => forTree(sel.qualifier).concat(forSymbol(sel.symbol, sel.tpe));
case tree : AbsTypeDef =>
ifT(tree.lo, Text(" <: "), true).
concat(forSymbol(tree.symbol, tree.tpe)).concat(ifT(tree.hi, Text(" <: "), false));
case EmptyTree => NodeSeq.Empty;
case _ => Text("XX=" + tree.toString());
def forTrees(trees : List[Tree]) : NodeSeq = {
if (trees.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty;
else {
val head = forTree(trees.head);
head.concat(if (trees.tail.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else Text(", ")).concat(forTrees(trees.tail));
def surround(open : String, close : String, node : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq =
def typesFor(ht : HasTree) : NodeSeq = {
val tparams = ht.tree match {
case cdef : ClassDef => cdef.tparams;
case ddef : DefDef => ddef.tparams;
case adef : AliasTypeDef => adef.tparams;
case _ => Nil;
if (tparams.isEmpty) Text("");
else surround("[", "]", forTrees(tparams));
def argsFor(ht : HasTree) : NodeSeq = ht.tree match {
case ddef : DefDef =>
val nodes = for (val vparams <- ddef.vparamss)
yield surround("(", ")", forTrees(vparams));
nodes.flatMap(x => x.asList);
case _ => NodeSeq.Empty;
def urlFor(ht : HasTree) : String =
def nameFor(ht : HasTree) : NodeSeq =
<A href={ urlFor(ht) } target="_self"> { forSymbol(ht.tree.symbol, null) } </A>;
def resultFor(ht : HasTree) : NodeSeq = ht.tree match {
case vdef : ValOrDefDef =>
Text(" : ").concat(forTree(vdef.tpt));
case cdef : ImplDef =>
if (cdef.impl.parents.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty;
else Text("extends ").concat(forTrees(cdef.impl.parents));
case _ => NodeSeq.Empty;
def comment(comment : String, isShort : Boolean) : NodeSeq = {
var ret : List[Node] = Nil;
if (comment != null) {
// strip out any stars.
var comment0 = comment.trim();
comment0 = comment0.substring(JDOC_START.length());
comment0 = comment0.substring(0, comment0.length() - JDOC_END.length());
var idx = 0;
while (idx != -1) {
idx = comment0.indexOf('*', idx);
if (idx != -1)
comment0 = comment0.substring(0, idx) +
comment0.substring(idx + 1, comment0.length());
val tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(comment0, "@");
val body = tokenizer.nextToken();
var attributes : List[String] = Nil;
if (!isShort) while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements())
attributes = attributes ::: (tokenizer.nextToken() :: Nil);
val node = <BR> { Text(comment) } </BR>;
val nodes = { { for (val a <- attributes) yield <BR> { Text(a) } </BR>; } };
val nodes0 : NodeSeq = node :: nodes;
} else NodeSeq.Empty;
def process(ht : HasTree, sym : Symbol) : scala.xml.Node = {
val comment0 = if (comments.contains(ht.tree.symbol))
comments(ht.tree.symbol) else null;
val index =
<td valign="top" class="modifiers">
<code>{ {
(for (val mod <- stringsFor(ht.mods)) yield Text(mod + " "));
} }</code>
<td class="signature">
{ labelFor(ht.kind).toLowerCase() }
{ nameFor(ht) }
{ typesFor(ht) }
{ argsFor(ht) }
{resultFor(ht) }
{ comment(comment0, true) }
val body = <X></X>;
val index0 = <HTML>
<HEAD><TITLE>API Documentation</TITLE></HEAD>
<FRAMESET cols="20%,80%" title="" onLoad="top.loadFrames()">
<FRAMESET rows="30%,70%" title="" onLoad="top.loadFrames()">
<FRAME src="overview-frame.html" name="packageListFrame" title="All Packages">
<FRAME src="allclasses-frame.html" name="packageFrame" title="All classes and interfaces (except non-static nested types)">
<FRAME src="overview-summary.html" name="classFrame" title="Package, class and interface descriptions" scrolling="yes">
def index = {
val index0 = <HTML></HTML>;
private val JDOC_START = "/**";
private val JDOC_END = "*/";