when compiling smotor (ant clean, then ant), the compiler dies with the exception. By pure instinct, I tried add\
ing the "with MarkupParser" bit (which would normally get mixed in again in a subclass, ConfigReader), and now i\
t compiles. Looks like a bug in the typechecker?
(please wait until I check in the stuff by morning 2006-04-22, otherwise you might get confused)
Buildfile: build.xml
[mkdir] Created dir: /localhome/buraq/svn/smotor.trunk/classes
[scalac] Compiling 18 source files to /localhome/buraq/svn/smotor.trunk/classes
[scalac] exception when traversing smotor.engine.config.ConfigHandler with scala.xml.parsing.MarkupParser wit\
h scala.ScalaObject {
[scalac] private val input : scala.io.Source = _;
[scalac] override def input(): scala.io.Source = ConfigReader.this.input ;
[scalac] private var ch : scala.Char = _;
[scalac] override def ch(): scala.Char = ConfigReader.this.ch ;
[scalac] override def ch_=(x$1: scala.Char): scala.Unit = ConfigReader.this.ch = x$1;
[scalac] def externalSource(systemLiteral: java.lang.String): scala.io.Source = throw new smotor.engine.con\
fig.ConfigReaderError.this("external sources in config file not supported");
[scalac] override def nextch(): scala.Unit = if (ConfigReader.this.input().hasNext())
[scalac] ConfigReader.this.ch_=(ConfigReader.this.input().next());
[scalac] def init(): scala.Unit = ConfigReader.this.nextch();
[scalac] private val preserveWS : scala.Boolean = _;
[scalac] def preserveWS(): scala.Boolean = ConfigReader.this.preserveWS ;
[scalac] override def reportSyntaxError(pos: scala.Int, str: java.lang.String): scala.Unit = throw new smot\
[scalac] def this(filename: java.lang.String): smotor.engine.config.ConfigReader = {
[scalac] ConfigReader.this.input = scala.io.Source.fromFile(filename);
[scalac] {
[scalac] ConfigReader.super.this();
[scalac] ()
[scalac] };
[scalac] ConfigReader.this./*TokenTests$class*/$init$();
[scalac] ConfigReader.this./*MarkupParser$class*/$init$();
[scalac] ConfigReader.this.ch = ConfigReader.this.input().next();
[scalac] ConfigReader.this.preserveWS = true;
[scalac] ()
[scalac] }
[scalac] }
[scalac] exception when traversing class ConfigReader extends smotor.engine.config.ConfigHandler with scala.x\
ml.parsing.MarkupParser with scala.ScalaObject {
[scalac] private val input : scala.io.Source = _;
[scalac] override def input(): scala.io.Source = ConfigReader.this.input ;
[scalac] private <local> var ch : scala.Char = _;
[scalac] override <accessor> def ch(): scala.Char = ConfigReader.this.ch ;
[scalac] override <accessor> def ch_=(x$1: scala.Char): scala.Unit = ConfigReader.this.ch = x$1;
[scalac] def externalSource(systemLiteral: java.lang.String): scala.io.Source = throw new smotor.engine.con\
fig.ConfigReaderError.this("external sources in config file not supported");
[scalac] override def nextch(): scala.Unit = if (ConfigReader.this.input().hasNext())
[scalac] ConfigReader.this.ch_=(ConfigReader.this.input().next());
[scalac] def init(): scala.Unit = ConfigReader.this.nextch();
[scalac] private val preserveWS : scala.Boolean = _;
[scalac] def preserveWS(): scala.Boolean = ConfigReader.this.preserveWS ;
[scalac] override def reportSyntaxError(pos: scala.Int, str: java.lang.String): scala.Unit = throw new smot\
[scalac] def this(filename: java.lang.String): smotor.engine.config.ConfigReader = {
[scalac] ConfigReader.this.input = scala.io.Source.fromFile(filename);
[scalac] {
[scalac] ConfigReader.super.this();
[scalac] ()
[scalac] };
[scalac] ConfigReader.this./*TokenTests$class*/$init$();
[scalac] ConfigReader.this./*MarkupParser$class*/$init$();
[scalac] ConfigReader.this.ch = ConfigReader.this.input().next();
[scalac] ConfigReader.this.preserveWS = true;
[scalac] ()
[scalac] }
[scalac] }
[scalac] exception when traversing package config {
... etc