Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#688] project: compiler priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Sean Martin fixed 2006-08-03 16:12:05.0
subject -Xgadt broken on simple code
package test;

class test[A] {
  var myvar : A = null;
  def foo(a : A) = myvar = a;
what happened
sean-mcdirmids-computer:~/workspace/test2/src mcdirmid$ ../../scala/build/quick/bin/scalac -Xgadt -d ../bin test\
sktt class test
sktt2 List(type A) List(type A)
sktt class test
sktt2 List(type A) List(type A)
sktt class test
sktt2 List(type A) List(type A)
test/test.scala:7 error: type mismatch;
 found   : A
 required: A
  def foo(a : A) = myvar = a;
one error found
what expected
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Changes of this bug report
Martin  edited on  2006-08-14 18:02:29.0
I disabled the Xgadt option.