Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#69] project: compiler priority: medium category: missing feature
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Burak Martin fixed 2003-07-13 11:22:57.0
subject recursive types illegal?
object testCQ  {
                            // why does this not work directly
  case class Thing( name:String, contains:List[ Thing ]  );

  /* ... but this one does?
  abstract class T;
  case class Thing2( name:String, contains:List[ T ]  ) extends T;

what happened
analyzer complains "illegal cyclic reference"
what expected proper handling of recursive types
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Changes of this bug report
Burak  edited on  2003-07-13 11:24:41.0
I stumbled on this while looking at test cases for the old (end 2002) scala-version. There, the above definition was accepted and worked fine.
Burak  edited on  2003-07-13 13:00:11.0
Martin  edited on  2003-07-15 16:13:51.0