code |
A number of errors were encountered when I attempted to build the code fragments in "An Overview of the Scala Programming Language"
page 6: forall doesn't compile
error: ')' expected but identifier found.
!exists(xs, x: T => !p(x))
one error found
Is this a compiler bug? The code compiles if we replace
!exists(xs, x: T => !p(x))
!exists(xs, { x: T => !p(x) } )
page 6: hasZeroRow doesn't compile
error: ')' expected but '(' found.
exists(matrix, row: Array[int] => forall(row, 0 ==))
one error found
hasZeroRow does compile if we replace
exists(matrix, row: Array[int] => forall(row, 0 ==))
exists(matrix, { row: Array[int] => forall[int](row, .==(0)) } )
There may be other concise alternatives, I don't know.
page 6: missing argument
for (val x <- xs; 0 <= x) yield Math.sqrt
should be
for (val x <- xs; 0 <= x) yield Math.sqrt(x)
(Optional) page 7: missing constructor argument
val x: GenCell[String] = new GenCell[String]
should be
val x: GenCell[String] = new GenCell[String]("abc")
(string arbitrary)
page 8: wrong return type
def tail: List[Nothing] = throw new Error("Empty.tail")
should be
def tail: GenList[Nothing] = throw new Error("Empty.tail")
(Difficult?) page 8: compile errors in GenList[+T].less
error: value < is not a member of T
this.head < that.head ||
error: lower bound T does not conform to upper bound Ordered[S]
def less[S >: T <: Ordered[S]](that: List[S]) =
I don't have a suggestion for this one.
page 10: Test.main instantiates abstract class
Either change SensorReader.Display to not be abstract,
or replace
val d1 = new Display; val d2 = new Display
val d1 = new Display {}; val d2 = new Display {}
page 11: missing [T]
with RichIterator
should be
with RichIterator[T]
page 12, 13: missing [T], trait not abstract class
abstract class SyncIterator extends AbsIterator {
should be
trait SyncIterator[T] extends AbsIterator[T] {
abstract class LoggedIterator extends AbsIterator {
should be
trait LoggedIterator[T] extends AbsIterator[T] {
(Optional) page 12: missing [char]
StringIterator(someString) with RichIterator
with SyncIterator
should be
StringIterator(someString) with RichIterator[char]
with SyncIterator[char]
StringIterator(someString) with SyncIterator
with RichIterator
should be
StringIterator(someString) with SyncIterator[char]
with RichIterator[char]
page 15: findRest doesn't compile
error: illegal start of simple pattern
rest@(_*)) => rest
error: ')' expected but '}' found.
rest@(_*)) => rest
two errors found
I don't have a suggestion for this one.
page 16: Missing ")" and incorrect argument order
else m.add(xs.head, sum(m)(xs.tail)
should be
else m.add(xs.head, sum(xs.tail)(m))
Note: this is the same example and error as in a different document
(Optional) page 16: Missing def and [a]
sort(xs: List[a])
can instead be
def sort[a](xs: List[a])
page 16: compile errors in expanded form of sort(yss)
error: ')' expected but '(' found
Is this a compiler bug? The code compiles if we replace
sort(yss)(xs: List[int] => list2ordered[int](xs)(int2ordered))
sort(yss)( { xs: List[int] => list2ordered[int](xs)(int2ordered) } )
page 17: compile errors in listToSet
x prepend xs;
should be
xs prepend x;
!isEmpty && (xs.head == x || xs.tail contains x)
should be
!xs.isEmpty && (xs.head == x || (xs.tail contains x))
page 17: Incorrect type for xs
a value xs of type List[T]
should be
a value xs of type GenList[T]