Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#96] project: compiler priority: medium category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Matthias Martin fixed 2003-08-28 13:03:14.0
subject Output of method types is incomplete
class A {
    def foo(x: Any): Object = null;
class B extends A {
    override def foo(def x: Any): Object = null;
what happened
Gives out the error message:
T.scala:5: method foo in class B of type (scala.Any)scala.Object
 cannot override method foo in class A of type (scala.Any)scala.Object
        override def foo(def x: Any): Object = null;
what expected The output should be:
T.scala:5: method foo in class B of type (def scala.Any)scala.Object
 cannot override method foo in class A of type (scala.Any)scala.Object
        override def foo(def x: Any): Object = null;
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Changes of this bug report
Martin  edited on  2003-08-28 14:00:56.0