## Use Cases for a Purity System
* Verified documentation for programmers
* Flexibility in scheduling execution
* [DPJ](http://dpj.cs.uiuc.edu/DPJ/Home.html) tracks noninterference of expressions and executes them in parallel
* Enables optimizations
* In Scala, when inlining a method defined in an object, the object initializer only needs to be invoked if it is impure
## Verifying Purity
* Methods that modify only local state (local variables, iterators, etc.) are pure
* Challenge: aliasing makes tracking state difficult
* Existing techniques:
* State monad
* Program verification (separation logic)
* Ownership types
* Effect systems based on pointer analysis
* Region-based effects
## Our Requirements
* Modular effect system that integrates with our generic effect checking framework
* Lightweight annotations, easy to use and understand
* Identify pure expressions within larger, potentially impure programs
* Applicable to existing code, does not enforce a programming discipline or require refactorings
## Built on Ideas from JPure
* **Modular**, intra-procedural effect analysis
* Unlike JPure, our system is **flow-insensitive**, therefore easier to integrate into higher-order languages
* **Lightweight** effect annotations
* Our system can express nested functions with effects on outer parameters
* **Ownership** annotations for non-shared state, **freshness** for methods returning newly allocated objects
* To express getters, we introduce *conditional* freshness
Definition of Purity
A pure function does not modify any state
that existed before its execution.
Goal: show soundness of the purity effect system
Proofs are still work in progress
## Effects and Freshness
* `@mod(a)` permits modifying the state of parameter `a`
* `@loc()` for methods returning freshly allocated objects
trait Iterator[+T] {
def hasNext: Boolean @mod()
def next(): T @mod(this)
trait List[+T] {
def iterator: Iterator[T] @loc()
def contains(l: List[Int], e: Int): Boolean @mod() = {
val it = l.iterator
while (it.hasNext)
if (it.next() == e) return true
return false
## Ownership and Locality
* `@local` fields are owned by the object
* An object is only fresh if all objects in its *locality* are fresh
* `@mod(a)` permits modifying any state in the locality of `a`
class ArrayBuffer[A] {
@local private[this] var array = new Array[A](initSize)
private[this] var size = 0
def +=(elem: A): Unit @mod(this) = {
ensureSize(size + 1)
array(size) = elem
size += 1
## Higher-Order Code
* Parameter `a` in `@mod(a)` can belong to an outer method
* A method with `@loc(t)` is fresh if `t` is fresh, e.g. getters for local fields
trait A {
def getOwnedB(): B @loc(this)
def f(a: A): Unit @mod(a) = {
def nested(): Unit @mod(a) = a.getOwnedB.modify()
## Limitations in Practice
* Caching: cache updates are transparent to the user, but not to the type system
* Collections of fresh objects: type arguments with locality not (yet) supported
def t(): Int @mod() = {
val o: Option[Counter /* @loc() */] = Some(new Counter)
o match {
case Some(c) => c.inc(); c.get()
case None => 0
Formal Language
A lambda calculus with mutable records
t & ::= & \tlet x = p \tin t \mid x.l := y \mid x \\
p & ::= & (x: T) \rightarrow t \mid x~y \mid \{\seq{\mlocal l = x}\} \mid x.l \mid t \\
T & ::= & (x: T) \xrightarrow{e}_{\loc} T \mid \{\seq{\mlocal l: T}\} \\
e & ::= & \seq{x} \mid \any \\
\loc & ::= & \seq{x} \mid \any
\Gamma ::= x: T \resloc \loc \qquad \boxed{\Gamma \ts p : T \resloc \loc \eff e}\\[4pt]
Example with a Local Counter
\tlet c = \{x = 1\} \tin \\
\tlet \mathit{inc} = (\_: \{\}) \rightarrow (\tlet v = c.x \tin c.x := (v+1)) \tin~ \\
\tlet \_ = inc~\{\} \tin \\
\tlet r = c.x \tin r
Function \(\mathit{inc}\) has an effect on \(c\) from its environment
Object \(c\) is freshly allocated, effects on it can be masked
## Big Picture
* A [compiler plugin](https://github.com/lrytz/efftp) for Scala 2.10.1 (`scalac`, REPL, Eclipse)
* Entirely based on annotations, no changes to Scala's syntax
* Effect-annotated code compiles without the plugin (it's a [pluggable type system](http://bracha.org/pluggableTypesPosition.pdf))
* Currently supports I/O effects, checked exceptions and purity (state effects)
* Documentation on the [Github Wiki](https://github.com/lrytz/efftp/wiki)
## Syntax
* Effects are annotated on return types of methods
def inc(i: Int): Int @pure = i + 1
* Effects are inferred if the return type is inferred
def inc(i: Int) = i + 1 // effect is inferred
* Methods with a return type, but without effect annotations have an unknown effect
def inc(I: Int): Int = i + 1 // impure!
## Multiple Effect Domains
* Multiple annotations for multiple domains
def div(a: Int, b: Int): Int @noIo @mod() @throws[DivByZero] = ...
* By default, non-annotated domains are impure
* The `@pure` annotation applies to all effect domains and marks them pure by default
def div(a: Int, b: Int): Int @pure @throws[DivByZero] = ...
## Effect Polymorphism
* The effect of a higher-order method usually depends on the effect of its argument:
def h(f: Int => Int): Int @pure(f) = {
* The _relative effect annotation_ `@pure(f)` marks `h` as pure, up to the effect of `f` (more precisely: `f.apply`)
* Relative effects work with arbitrary types (not just functions)
def sayHi(g: Greeter, name: String): Unit @pure(g.greet(%)) = {