Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#1135] project: compiler priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Sean Martin open 2007-05-23 12:47:12.0
subject separate compilation broken
// test/Foo.scala
package test
object Foo { def f = 10 }
package test
object Bar { def g = f :: Nil }

// after first compile, change test/Foo.scala to
package test
object Foo { def f = g }
what happened
sean-mcdirmid:~/workspace/test13/src mcdirmid$ ../../scala/build/quick/bin/scalac test/Foo.scala test/Bar.scala \

sean-mcdirmid:~/workspace/test13/src mcdirmid$ ../../scala/build/quick/bin/scalac -d ../bin test/Foo.scala test/\
sean-mcdirmid:~/workspace/test13/src mcdirmid$ ../../scala/build/quick/bin/scalac -d ../bin test/Foo.scala 
sean-mcdirmid:~/workspace/test13/src mcdirmid$ ../../scala/build/quick/bin/scalac -d ../bin test/Bar.scala 
sean-mcdirmid:~/workspace/test13/src mcdirmid$ ../../scala/build/quick/bin/scalac -d ../bin test/Foo.scala test/\
test/Bar.scala:3: error: recursive method f needs result type
object Bar { def g = Foo.f :: Nil }
one error found
sean-mcdirmid:~/workspace/test13/src mcdirmid$ 
what expected After the first compile, change Foo.scala so that Foo.f = g, then recompile Foo.scala, then recompile Bar.scala. Expecting some kind of type error but none given, looking in the IDE, the type of g keeps growing to List[int] then List[List[int]] then List[List[List[int]]] and so on. Would expect some kind of type error. Error is only detected when Foo.scala and Bar.scala are compiled together, but the IDE isn't smart enough to know this, so in general it is impossible to know when files should always be compiled together.
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Changes of this bug report
Martin  edited on  2007-05-30 12:53:21.0
This seems to require a fundamental rethink of laziness for cycle detection. Deferred.