Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#1233] project: documentation priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Nikolay Martin fixed 2007-07-19 22:55:03.0
subject [contrib #707] Replave 'equal' with 'eqivalent' in The Scala Language Specification, 5.1.3 Class Members
The Scala Language Specification, Version 2.5, 5.1.3 Class Members
contains the following definition:

Definition 5.1.4 A member definition M matches a member definition M', if M and
M' bind the same name, and one of following holds.
2. M and M' define both monomorphic methods with equal argument types.

Replace 'equal' in the last sentence with 'equivalent'.
The Specification does not contain definition of 'equality' of types.
what happened
Definition 5.1.4 A member definition M matches a member definition M', if M and
M' bind the same name, and one of following holds.
2. M and M' define both monomorphic methods with equal argument types.
what expected Definition 5.1.4 A member definition M matches a member definition M', if M and M' bind the same name, and one of following holds. ..... 2. M and M' define both monomorphic methods with equivalent argument types.
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Changes of this bug report
Nikolay  edited on  2007-07-19 22:58:30.0
Martin  edited on  2007-07-24 12:53:09.0