Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#165] project: specification priority: medium category: missing feature
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Erik Martin won't fix 2003-09-30 15:24:19.0
subject Extending a class in a auxillary constructor
class A() {
  val arr:Array[byte] = new Array(0);
  def this(newArr:Array[byte]) = { 
    this(){override val arr = newArr;}
what happened
A.scala:4: '}' expected but '{' found.
    this(){override val arr = newArr;
what expected Are you not supposed to be allowed extend the class when calling the primary constructor? Like: def this ... = { this(...) { *Extension* }; ... }
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Changes of this bug report
Matthias  edited on  2003-09-30 23:49:10.0
Erik, in your example, the braces are not even balanced. Apart from that, this() is a constructor call and not a class template.
Erik  edited on  2003-10-01 11:31:44.0
Sorry about the braces... now they are balanced. So how are you supposed to write an auxillary constructor that initialises some value in a different way than the main constructor?
Martin  edited on  2003-10-09 12:29:04.0
You need to call the main constructor. If you have mutable variables, you can initialize them afterwards.