Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#172] project: specification priority: low category: feature
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Erik Martin won't fix 2003-10-01 16:23:25.0
subject List(...) in package scala
class A()  {
  def l:List[A] = List(this);
package scala;
class B()  {
  def l:List[B] = List(this);
package scala;
class C()  {
  def l:List[C] = this::Nil;
package scala;

class D() {
  def l:List[D] = Predef.List(this);
what happened
B.scala gives the error
B.scala:4: object scala.List of type scala.List cannot be applied to (scala.B) w
ith expected result type scala.List[scala.B]
  def l:List[B] = List(this);
one error found
what expected That all four files should compile...
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Changes of this bug report
Martin  edited on  2003-10-06 12:26:38.0
This is what the spec mandates. Every program is implicitly prefixed by the three import clauses. The example program becomes:
import java.lang._;
import scala._;
import scala.Predef._;
package scala { ... List ... }
Furthermore, in package scala there exists a module List. The reference to List inside the package is to that module; it shadows the List which was previously imported from Predef.