Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#225] project: compiler priority: high category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Martin Philippe fixed 2003-11-17 15:48:23.0
subject multi-dimensional object arrays generate wrong code
case class C();

object arrays2 {

  def main(args: Array[String]): unit = {
    val a = new Array[Array[C]](2);
    a(0) = new Array[C](2);
    a(0)(0) = new C();

what happened
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException
	at arrays2$.main(test/pos/arrays2.scala:8)
	at arrays2.main(test/pos/arrays2.scala)
what expected Successful run
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Changes of this bug report
Philippe  edited on  2003-11-17 18:45:29.0

Fixed code of case Select in Erasure

which wrongly used type of symbol owner instead of type of qualifier.