Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#31] project: compiler priority: medium category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Stephane Martin fixed 2003-06-05 18:26:50.0
subject type mismatch error
object Main {

    trait Ensure[a] {
        def ensure(postcondition: a => Boolean): a

    def require[a](def precondition: Boolean)(def command: a): Ensure[a] = 
        if (precondition)
            new Ensure[a] {
	        def ensure(postcondition: a => Boolean): a = {
	            val result = command;
	            if (postcondition(result)) result
	            else error("Assertion error")
            error("Assertion error");

    def arb[a](s: List[a]) =
        require (! s.isEmpty) {
        } ensure (result => s contains result);

    def main(args: Array[String]) = {
    	val s = List(1, 2);

what happened
Main.scala:21: type mismatch;
 found   : a
 required: scala.All
Main.scala:22: missing parameter type
        } ensure (result => s contains result);
two errors found
what expected value 1 is printed out.
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