Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#32] project: specification priority: medium category: missing feature
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Stephane Martin fixed 2003-06-10 12:57:41.0
subject cannot override

class PromptStream(s: OutputStream) extends PrintStream(s) {
    override def println() = super.println();

object Main {

    val out = new PromptStream(System.out);


    def main(args: Array[String]) =
        out.println("hello world");

what happened
Main.scala:6: method println in class PromptStream of type ()scala.Unit
 cannot override value println in class of type ()scala.Unit  (scala.Boolean)scala.Unit\
    override def println() = super.println();
Main.scala:16: wrong number of arguments for method println()
        out.println("hello world");
two errors found.
what expected "hello world" is printed out (as in Java)
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Changes of this bug report
Martin  edited on  2003-07-04 16:53:18.0
Martin  edited on  2003-07-10 15:42:40.0
Matthias  edited on  2003-10-06 12:33:23.0
I closed this bug because Martin addressed this issue already. In order to make the code above compile, you have to explicitly type variable out though:
val out: PrintStream = new PromptStream(System.out);
Matthias  edited on  2003-10-06 12:34:11.0