Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#342] project: compiler priority: high category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Stephane Martin fixed 2004-06-09 13:37:47.0
subject illegal cyclic reference
object Main with Application {

//object Foo extends Enumeration {            // 1: OK !
  object Foo extends Enumeration(0, "Bar") {  // 2
    val Bar = Value
  import Foo._;
what happened
src/Main.scala:7: illegal cyclic reference involving object Foo
  import Foo._;
what expected both cases 1 and 2 compile with no error.
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Changes of this bug report
Martin  edited on  2004-06-30 19:03:40.0
Martin  edited on  2004-06-30 19:03:58.0