Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#46] project: compiler priority: medium category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Stephane Martin won't fix 2003-06-19 22:25:47.0
subject type mismatch
object Main {

    case class IntBox(x: Int) {
        override def toString() = x.toString();

    def Array[Int](x: Int*): Int = {
        val xs = x as List[Int];
        val ar = new java.util.ArrayList(xs.length);
        xs foreach ( x: Int => { ar.add(IntBox(x)); () } );

    def main(args: Array[String]) = {
        val xs = List(2, 3, 7, 1, 5);
        val ar = new java.util.ArrayList(xs.length);
        xs foreach ( x => { ar.add(IntBox(x)); () } );

what happened
src/Main.scala:11: type mismatch;
 found   : Int
 required: scala.Int
        xs foreach ( x: Int => { ar.add(IntBox(x)); () } );
src/Main.scala:12: type mismatch;
 found   : scala.Int
 required: Int
two errors found
what expected [2, 3, 7, 1, 5] is displayed on the console

Matthias: The error message is okay since Int is a type variable in the context of method Array which is different from the type scala.Int.

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