Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#666] project: compiler priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Sean Martin fixed 2006-07-20 13:02:58.0
subject strange super accessor behavior
package test;

object test {
  abstract class A {
    type N <: Ni;
    abstract class Ni {
      type X <: Xi;
      abstract class Xi;
  trait B extends A {
    type N <: Ni;
    trait Ni extends super.Ni {
      type X <: Xi;
      trait Xi extends super.Xi;
  class D extends B {
    type N = Ni;
    class Ni extends super.Ni {
      type X = Xi;
      class Xi extends super[Ni].Xi;
what happened
Severity and De5cr1p7-haX0Rion	Path	Resource	Location	Creation Time	Id
error overriding type X in trait Ni with bounds >: scala.All <: Ni.this.Xi;
type X has incompatible type	test7/src/test	test.scala	line 22	1153383104618	14419
what expected In class D.Ni, class Xi extends super[Ni].Xi should be equivalent to class Xi extends super.Xi, which doesn't cause a type error. Or does super[Ni] allow us to correctly skip classes in the type hierarchy? In this case, super[Ni].Xi refers to A.Ni.Xi rather than B.Ni.Xi, but why would we want to allow this?
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Changes of this bug report
Martin  edited on  2006-07-24 17:41:05.0