Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#699] project: compiler priority: low category: missing feature
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Nikolay Martin won't fix 2006-08-14 13:45:30.0
subject [contrib #173] 2.1.7 regression: compiler rejects valid anonymous function
(x: Double => x * x) (2)
what happened
<console>:2 error: ')' expected but identifier found.
(x: Double => (x * x)) (2)
what expected line0: scala.Double = 4.0 // this is the behaviour of scala <= 2.1.6
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Changes of this bug report
Nikolay  edited on  2006-08-14 13:46:46.0
Transferred from contribution #173
Martin  edited on  2006-08-14 17:39:23.0
This is a change in the spec.