Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#773] project: scala-doc priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Stephane Sean fixed 2006-10-11 11:18:41.0
subject scaladoc generates incorrect files style.css and script.js
 diff src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/script.js /home/linuxsoft/archives/scala/nightly/scala/doc/scala/api/script.js
< var api_root = '';
< //var api_root = 'file:///home/linuxsoft/apps/java/docs/api/';
< // hashtable
< var table = new Array()
< function init() {
<   // initialize hashtable
<   table['java_lang_Long']             = true;
<   table['java_lang_Object']           = true;
<   table['java_lang_String']           = true;
<   table['java_net_URI']               = true;
<   table['java_sql_Connection']        = true;
<   table['java_sql_ResultSetMetaData'] = true;
<   table['java_util_Properties']       = true;
<   table['scala_Unit'] = true;
<   var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
<   for (i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
<     try {
<       key = elems[i].getAttribute('class');
<       if (table[key] != null) {
<         value = api_root + key.replace(/_/g, "/") + ".html";
<         elems[i].setAttribute('href', value);
<       }
<     }
<     catch (e) {
<       // do nothing
<     }
<   }
< }
what happened
Both files style.css and 5cr1p7-haX0R.js are incomplete in the generated API documentation
what expected Files are identical.
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Changes of this bug report
Stephane  edited on  2006-10-11 11:18:57.0
Stephane  edited on  2006-10-17 15:18:01.0
Resources style.css and script.css were copied resp. in class doc.DocGenerator and in class ant.Scaladoc !