Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#791] project: compiler priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Burak _ fixed 2006-10-29 02:14:42.0
subject unapply/products: accessor handling broken
trait Complex extends Product2[double,double] 

class ComplexRect(val _1:double, _2:double) extends Complex {
  override def toString = "ComplexRect("+_1+","+_2+")"

class ComplexPolar(val _1:double, _2:double) extends Complex {
  override def toString = "ComplexPolar("+_1+","+_2+")"

object ComplexRect {
  def unapply(z:Complex): Option[Complex] = {
    if(z.isInstanceOf[ComplexRect]) Some(z) else z match {
      case ComplexPolar(mod, arg) =>
	Some(new ComplexRect(mod*Math.cos(arg), mod*Math.sin(arg)))
} } }

object ComplexPolar {
  def unapply(z:Complex): Option[Complex] = {
    if(z.isInstanceOf[ComplexPolar]) Some(z) else z match {
      case ComplexRect(re,im) =>
	Some(new ComplexPolar(Math.sqrt(re*re + im*im), Math.atan(re/im)))
} } }

object Test {
  def main(args:Array[String]) = {
    new ComplexRect(1,1) match {
      case ComplexPolar(mod,arg) => // z @ ???
    val Komplex = ComplexRect
    new ComplexPolar(Math.sqrt(2),Math.PI / 4.0) match {
      case Komplex(re,im) => // z @ ???
	Console.println("re"+re+" im"+im)
what happened
concerns the -Xunapply compiler option.
the program is not correct, because "_2" should have been defined as "val _2". There is no public implementation\
 of the _2 method which is required by trait Product2, however this thing compiles.
buraq$ build/quick/bin/scalac -d /tmp test/pending/pos/unapplyComplex.scala -Xunapply
buraq$ build/quick/bin/scala -classpath /tmp Test
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: ComplexRect._2()Ljava/lang/Object;
what expected an error message telling me that ComplexRect and ComplexPolar do not implement _2 required by trait Product2.
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Changes of this bug report
Burak  edited on  2006-10-30 06:49:19.0
fixed it by using the other accessors methods, constrParamAccessors, when the class is in question is not a case class.