Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#942] project: compiler priority: low category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Nikolay Martin open 2007-02-11 17:24:21.0
subject [contrib #326] null : Scala.null(null) which is not <:
// in the scala 2.3.3 interpreter:
// "bind" for Option using null for None and everything else for Some
scala> def maybe[t <: AnyRef, s >: Null <: AnyRef ](x: t)(f: t => s): s = if(x==null) null else f(x)

maybe: [t <: java.lang.Object,s >: scala.Null <: java.lang.Object](t)((t) => s)s

scala> maybe("foo")((x:String) => x.length)
<console>:5: error: type mismatch;
 found   : () => scala.Int
 required: scala.Null
  val line1 = maybe("foo")((x:String) => x.length)

scala> maybe("foo")(x => new Integer(x.length))
<console>:5: error: type mismatch;
 found   : java.lang.Integer
 required: scala.Null
  val line2 = maybe("foo")(x => new Integer(x.length))

scala> maybe("foo")((x: String) => new Integer(x.length))
<console>:5: error: type mismatch;
 found   : java.lang.Integer
 required: scala.Null
  val line3 = maybe("foo")((x: String) => new Integer(x.length))

scala> maybe[String,Integer]("foo")(x => new Integer(x.length))
line4: java.lang.Integer = 3
what happened
none of the error messages make sense to me
I understand that Int's are not nullable, so the "obvious" first attempt doesn't work (although I guess they cou\
ld be autoboxed?)
However, the next two error messages seem to indicate something goes wrong with inferencing type parameters.
what expected Better error messages. (Maybe better inferencing, even more maybe: autoboxing?) ps: This null business is of course a big no-no in pure Scala code, but when interfacing with Java code, you don't always want to manually wrap everything to use Option
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Changes of this bug report
Nikolay  edited on  2007-02-11 17:24:55.0
contribution #326
Martin  edited on  2007-03-05 23:47:04.0
The problem is that no type parameters can be found that work. The system inferences some which then cause errors in the second curried argument. Maybe the error messages should take account of this, suggesting that the user insert type parameters himself?