Aladdin - Scala Bugtracking
[#996] project: compiler priority: medium category: bug
submitter assigned to status date submitted
Iulian Martin won't fix 2007-03-13 10:07:53.0
subject erasure does not erase in package scala
package scala

class Array {
  def deep(e: Any): String = e match {
//    case s: Seq[_] =>  s.toString
    case _ => e.toString

what happened
dragos@lamppc27 bugs $ bscalac -d classes/ deep.scala -print:mix
[[syntax trees at end of mixin]]// Scala source: deep.scala
package scala {
  class Array extends java.lang.Object {
    def deep(e: scala.Any): java.lang.String = {
       var temp0: scala.Any = e;

what expected scala.Any should be erased to java.lang.Object. This problem crashes the backend later on, since it cannot find the right java type for scala.Any. It is weird that it only happens if the class is in package scala, and the name of the class is Array (haven't tried too many other classes in package scala, though).
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Changes of this bug report
Martin  edited on  2007-03-14 15:28:17.0
I believe users should not add classes to package scala, and certainly not change classes like Array. I don't see we need to enforce this, though. Basically, users add to scala at their own risk. So I don't think anything needs to be done here.
Stephane  edited on  2007-03-16 11:15:09.0
Reopened bug (see Iulian's answer in scala-dev)
Stephane  edited on  2007-03-16 12:53:09.0
deepToString implemented in scala.runtime.Boxed<..>, not in scala.Array